Mesa Verde National Park

Mesa Verde National Park Quiz

U.S. national park in Colorado

This quiz has 15 questions

Q1. When was Mesa Verde National Park established?

Q2. Which Native American culture built the cliff dwellings in Mesa Verde?

Q3. How many archaeological sites have been found in Mesa Verde National Park?

Q4. What is the most famous and largest cliff dwelling in Mesa Verde?

Q5. What was the purpose of the kivas in Mesa Verde?

Q6. What is the elevation of Mesa Verde National Park?

Q7. Which state is Mesa Verde National Park located in?

Q8. What is the meaning of 'Mesa Verde' in Spanish?

Q9. How many years did the Anasazi occupy Mesa Verde National Park?

Q10. What is the approximate area of Mesa Verde National Park?

Q11. What type of rock formations are the cliff dwellings built into?

Q12. How many tours per day did the park offer visitors in 2020?

Q13. What happened to the Anasazi people at Mesa Verde?

Q14. How many UNESCO World Heritage sites are there in Colorado, including Mesa Verde?

Q15. What is the main conservation concern in Mesa Verde National Park?