Big Sur

Big Sur Quiz

Coastal region of California, United States

This quiz has 10 questions

Q1. What is the approximate length of the Big Sur coastline in California?

Q2. Which mountain range runs parallel to the Big Sur coastline?

Q3. Which famous highway passes through Big Sur?

Q4. What is the name of the iconic cliffside restaurant located in Big Sur?

Q5. Which state park is known for its redwood groves in Big Sur?

Q6. What is the native language of the indigenous Esselen people who historically inhabited the Big Sur region?

Q7. Which famous American writer and philosopher had a cabin in Big Sur?

Q8. Which bridge spans Bixby Creek in Big Sur?

Q9. What is the name of the famous waterfall in Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park in Big Sur?

Q10. Which famous music festival took place in Big Sur in 1967?